Former Logsdon Dean Returns to Classroom

Dr. Vernon Davis, Dean of Logsdon School of Theology from 1998-2003, has returned to the Logsdon classroom to teach a new generation of seminary students.

October 8, 2015 Dan Carpenter (Student Writer)

Dr. Vernon Davis, Dean of Logsdon School of Theology from 1998-2003, has returned to the Logsdon classroom to teach a new generation of seminary students. This fall, Davis is once again teaching Preparation for Ministry in the Church, a Master’s-level course he designed while serving as dean.

 “I was pleased to accept Dr. Ellis’ invitation to return to the classroom,” said Davis, who noted it was a surprising opportunity. “It is a real gift to come back, and engage my students in conversation.”

 Davis, who is now 81 years old, said returning to the classroom is challenging, but in a good way.

 “It’s nice to know I haven’t forgotten everything,” Davis said, smiling. “I hadn’t read either of the texts assigned for the class, so I had to get up to speed quickly. In addition to the texts, we spend time discussing the students’ call to ministry, and I want them to encounter God, shape lives, and have a better sense that the God who called them is with them on this journey.”

 Davis shared that after his wife of 60 years, Bennie, passed away in February, he found himself wondering what was next.

 “After my wife died, I felt a need for purpose, and getting back into the classroom helped with that,” said Davis. “The quality of our students today is exceptional; their breadth of experience is unparalleled, and it’s wonderful to see so many women students as well.”

 Davis lives in Georgetown and drives to Abilene each week to teach the Thursday course.

 “There is a real sense of joy in seeing what is happening here. God has brought these students here to Logsdon, and I’m privileged to share a bit of my experience and perspective to help them, hopefully, better grasp what they’ve been called to, and enjoy a more fulfilling life in ministry.”

 Davis said his teaching style is rather eclectic – a mix of lecture and discussion – as he wants to share experience and wisdom, but also encourage students to learn from one another.

 “The current class is multi-generational and multi-ethnic, and that makes for some engaging discussion,” said Davis. “I’m sure the students will learn as much from one another as they will from me; and I know I am learning much from them.”

 Davis will teach his current course through December. He also said he will be team teaching a spring semester Doctor of Ministry seminar at the Logsdon campus in San Antonio.
