Recommended Scholars Program

twitter pictureeWhen James B. Simmons helped to found HSU in 1891, he made it clear that he believed education was for everyone, no matter their background. He knew that education was the most powerful way to change the trajectory of a student’s life. So, from the beginning HSU has welcomed everyone into its halls.

Hardin-Simmons has always been a place where innovative and new programs begin. HSU has proven over and over we believe in local talent and in the power of students to fulfill their full potential as they work towards their life’s goals.

Often college entrance exams are not indicative of a student’s potential and worth. We believe that the high school academic record and the endorsement of trusted high school faculty and staff who know the student’s potential and capabilities can be better predictors of college success than an ACT or SAT score.

For the incoming freshmen class of 2020, we will admit and award merit aid to students based on the recommendations of their high school counselors, principals, and teachers in lieu of college entrance exam scores.

As high school educators who work with students every day, you know your students better than anyone else, and you know which students would be a fit at HSU in our various programs. We need your help in identifying exceptional students who need to be at HSU and who HSU needs on our campus.

Suggested Recommended Scholars criteria:

    • Current high school senior
  • 3.0+ cumulative high school GPA
  • Leadership in home life, community, or high school extracurricular activities
  • Demonstrated perseverance through work, school or other activities

Students who do not meet the above criteria can be recommended at your discretion. Please indicate your rationale for recommending students in the form when you make your submission.

Using the submission link below, recommend any student or students of your choice for admissions. We will review each student you recommend and will admit and award merit scholarships accordingly. Help us find students who are exceptional as defined by you.

We are committed to our community and legacy at HSU. We think James Simmons, a pioneer in educational access, would have done the same.