HR Panel to Share Interview Tips at Library Book-It Event

February 15, 2018 Staff Reports

Each semester, the Richardson Library hosts an event called “Book-It,” where guest speakers are invited to discuss or demonstrate topics of interest to the HSU student body. This semester, a panel of top Abilene HR representatives will teach students the do’s and don’ts of interviewing. The event will begin at 9:30 a.m. on February 23rd on the first floor of the library.

The panel will consist of Patti Watson, Human Resources Program Manager for the City of Abilene; Courtney Head, Director of Human Resources for Hendrick Medical Center; and Mitch Davis, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Human Resources for Wylie ISD. Each panel member will share their experiences and advice and answer student questions.

The panel will teach students how they can set themselves up and apart from others before, during, and after interviews. Topics to address include how to search for jobs, the importance of joining advocacy groups and using those job boards, scrubbing your social media presence, how to market yourself, and basic interview etiquette.

For more information, contact Mary Burke at 325-670-1807 or
